For those who happen to know nothing about the history of our people, There is this link and several other that are intentionally for the purpose of giving the history of the comunity where a few old Wazees are mentioned.
Ukisikia about ADAN HIRSI, DALAHOW NOOR, ABDINOOR GESSEY, HAJI YARROW, ADAN DIISOW, HUSSEIN HARED, CHIEF AFTIN, SHARUB, ADAN ALOW, ALI ROBOW, SHEIKH BANDAS, MZEE OLAD, THE LATE ABAJANO , SHEIKH BARROW, ALI SHURIE, NOOR AFFEY, Then don't get suprised. These are/were prominent people in our community not mentioning the whole group in Beledweeyne, Bulo Bardi, Jalalaqsi and other Hiiraan regions.
While we tried our best to put Murule clan projections in history and in the context of modern 21st Century world, Now a facebook grouping has already been set where Murulles can also exchange ideas and have their opinion in a group form. We can send a cause and even address some of our own issues. Some people want to take advantage and infilitrate and even cause some "hatred" pretending to speak for some sections of Murulle, we should avoid that and concentrate what is good for our people.