Last Night and previous days and nights, Murule community have been attacked by neighbouring Degodia communities on the border lines of Lafey and Mandera North constituencies.
Murule Border lines are well known since colonial times and are well articulated in Kenya National archives records. Maps have been supplied and everyone is clear on the Murule borders. We are not at any time aggressors to any community and we maintain cordial relations with all communities. We respect and live with them in peace at all times. However, we face lots of problems from other neighbouring communities.
So many times, we keep our cool and even last week, We agreed a ceasefire in Mandera with the Degodia community.
The Government of Kenya was there. RC, County Commisioner were there, MPs were there, Religious leaders were there. But it looks like they are helpless. We still have no a lasting solution. When we complained to Rhamu Police station last week about these aggression, our leaders were dismissed.
After the ceasefire, we still have seen aggression against Murule in Rhamu and Last night, Degodia militia operating around Asahabito, Malkamari, Banissa and even along Rhamu Sala Borders sent even more armed men to attack Murule settlements, this time not in Rhamu but deep in Murule Land, Bambo. We feel this is bad and ill intentioned towards our people. Murules have a right to defend themselves when attacked.
The Government keeps reassuring us and them about our security but when our people are attacked, everyone tells you sorry and nothing much. We need the Government to fulfill it's mandate of keeping security or else watoke kwa picture. We cannot have problems day in day out.