While Peace is Paramount all the time, The National Government must take action before its too late in Yetho/Yedo/Yado, Lafey Constituency Mandera County.
Reports reaching MURULE ONLINE say, Yetho Borehole dug recently was damaged yesterday evening by unknown people further causing tensions between Murule and Garre Communities in Yetho, Lafey SubCounty, Mandera County.
The Damage is meant to seek sympathy and to draw attention to Yetho - a disputed piece of land in the border of Murule and Garre Community in Lafey Constituency. The Murule community Border line with Garre is along the Mandera -Rhamu-Wargadud -Elwak Road Lines and Yetho is in Alungu Ward of Lafey Constituency.
Since Some 10 years, after the clashes in Boruchache, Somalia between the Garre and Marehan Communities, Garre Politicians, From Elwak Constituency have been pushing to permanently settle GARRE 'refugees' who were evacuated from Boruhache, on the border of Somalia to Yetho in Lafey Constituency. The Murule Community has objected to their settlement and even clashes were witnessed in that area around 2007 and after Peace meetings, temporarily accepted them believing Garre will settle them in their land elsewhere after clashes are over.
The Garre Politicians meanwhile against Murule Community advise, built them a two room school and recently a borehole.
The Refugees have now been advised to settle in Yetho, lafey Constituency permanently causing tensions with the Murule community who have insisted they leave. For the past 10 years under Murule - Gharri Peace Agreements done by the Mandera District Security Committee with the help of the Local Elders and Sheikhs, The Murule kept their cool.
In 2005 -2008 Umul Accords and Informations from The New Humanitarian updates, The Murule Community discussed about these issue of Garre refugees and the District Security Committees were informed about the complication these people added to the Lafey constituency, which is experiencing terrorism and banditry. Recently, some AlShabaab Terrorists destroyed Safaricom masts along these areas as well as had clashes with Security Forces including KDF (Kenya Defence Forces). The Murule accuse The Garre Community as having Links with AlShabaab and constantly work with them to make sure the Murule Community settlements have no development at all. Teachers, Health Workers and NGOs cannot operate their due to insecurity.
Murule Elders and Politicians have always argued that, Since Garre Community have bigger chunk of land in Mandera County, Why would they not return their Somalia Refugees or give them temporary land in their settlements in say, Like Shimbir Fatuma, Banissa and Kotulo areas, areas which can handle these refugees.
For Garre to think their Refugees will settle permanently in Yetho, Part of Lafey Constituency in Mandera County is a dream to them as well as the County Administartion and the National Government. They just want to cause tensions everywhere.
In Wajir County, In Gurar and Bute areas, They had issues with Ajuuraan and their issues were resolved after Garre were moved from those areas.
In Marsabit County, They had issues with Borana Community and tensions always rise.
In Mandera County, Along the Rhamu Banissa Ashabito Areas, They have clashes with the Degodia Community.
So, For how long will the Garre Community know how to live with the rest of the people for Peace and Security?
Garre Community Must Know how to Live peacefully with other clans in all Counties. Since Colonial times, they cause conflicts everywhere.